Video: Iridesce "Minute for Mission" Video *NEW*
Video: Interviews with Project Coordinator at GC43
Video: Moderator Jordan Cantwell
Video: Self-Guided Workshop Kits
Iridesce 2019 Update & Vision *NEW*
Letter: Who owns this Project?
Minute for Mission, booklet 2019
Poster: "How Welcoming Has Our Welcome Been?"
Please visit often for more resources as they become available.
Minute for Mission - Video
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Minutes for Mission: February 17, 2019. The Iridesce project encouraged storytelling around the 1988 decision to welcome gay, lesbian, and bisexual people into full membership and ministry in the United Church. Supported through your generous donations to the Mission & Service of The United Church of Canada.
Interview with Project Coordinator
at General Council 43, on July 21, 2018
In 2015, General Council 42 voted for a national project of story-sharing and dialogue with people affected by the Church's 1988 decision to not exclude gay and lesbian people from eligibility for ministry and membership. Iridesce: The Living Apology Project is the embodiment of of this vote. It is an invitation for story-sharing from before, during and after the 1988 decision. Over the past year, Aaron Miechkota has travelled across the church, gathering stories and created spaces for open sharing and vulnerability. Interviewed by Lauren Hodgson.
Intervu avec la coordinatrice d'Irisation
à Conseille Générale 43, le 21 juillet 2018
En 2015, le 42e Conseil général a voté pour la création d’un projet national de témoignage et de dialogue avec les personnes touchées par une décision que l’Église a prise en 1988, celle d’ouvrir aux gais et aux lesbiennes la possibilité d’être pleinement membres de l’Église ou de la servir en tant que membres du personnel ministériel. Le projet Irisation : faire briller les excuses parmi nous est la suite de ce vote. Irisation invite les gens à partager ce qu’ils ont vécu avant, pendant et après la prise de cette décision en 1988. Au cours des deux dernières années, Aaron Miechkota a visité de nombreuses constituantes de l’Église à cette fin. Elle a recueilli des témoignages et créé des espaces permettant le dialogue dans un climat sécuritaire. Stéphane s’est entretenu avec elle au sujet d’Irisation et sur la façon dont cette initiative sera présentée au 43e CG. Intervue avec Stéphan.
Iridesce Theatre Play
Premiere at General Council 43
YouTube Video: The Iridesce Theatre Play is a play in three acts. All the words of the script have emerged from the Iridesce Project, and are the memories and words of Iridesce participants. The play starts just before our 1988 vote to welcome gay and lesbian people in membership and eligibility for ministry in our church. The play respectfully dramatizes some of the struggles and challenges some in our church faced around this vote.
Our Moderator Calls the Church to partcipate in Iridesce
Moderator Jordan Cantwell invites all people affected by The United Church of Canada’s 1988 decision to share their stories. The whole church is invited to participate, no matter how they identify—as straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, Two-Spirit, and more. For more information see or contact the project coordinator at
Video to Introduce the Project
A short 1-minute video to introduce the project. Watch below, or watch on YouTube at
Self-Guided Workshop Kits
Iridesce now has available Self-Guided Workshop Kits, for groups who would like to engage in the Iridesce project.
Good to know:
In the spirit of honouring and respecting people's stories and testimonials, the workshop kit will be "on loan" to your communities for your event. We will send it to you two weeks before your event, and ask that you return the kit within two weeks after your event. There is a fee to cover postage and return-postage. All materials must be returned after your workshop, including any additional stories, testimonials or contributions that are to be shared with Iridesce going forward.
For more information, please contact our coordinator at
Who "owns" this Project? An open letter from the Iridesce Coordinator
Dear United Church, When I first received the news that I would be the Project Coordinator of Iridesce, a number of my peers conveyed this concern to me: “Are we asking LGBTQ2+ people to do the work of this Project, which may effectively be an apology… to themselves?” From this valid question...
Minute for Mission
Share about the work and ministry of 'Iridesce: The Living Apology Project' by reading our "Minute for Mission" at your place of worship.
We are so grateful to be included in this years "Loving Our Neighbours" booklet from Mission & Service of The United Church of Canada. The booklet outlines the many diverse ministries funded by M&S. THANK YOU!
Bulletin Insert
This printable 8-1/2" x 11" bulletin insert is formatted to be folded inside your weekly bulletin. The bulletin insert introduces the Project (at left) and includes questions to stimulate reflection, conversation and story-sharing. Download the printable PDF, or email the Coordinator to request a PDF by email.
Original prayers written by and for Iridesce: The Living Apology Project. Visit our Spirituality Page. You are welcome to use these prayers, with proper credit to this project and website.
Poster: How welcoming has our welcome been
A printable 8-1/2"x11" poster, for your bulletin board and events. The file includes three colour options: Iridesce, Rainbow Pride and Black-and-White. Click to download the printable PDF poster (2MB) or email the Coordinator to request a PDF by email.
Advertising Poster
This printable 8-1/2" x 11" poster is provided to help you advertise your Iridesce workshop event. Simply use a marker to fill in the date, time and location on the lines indicated. Click to download a printable PDF (170K), or email the Coordinator to request a PDF by email.
Photo: Iridesce at Grace United Church, Hanover, ON.
Photo: Creative Commons.
Photo: Wix Commons.