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God, with perfect love, made you on purpose

I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people…

. that God, with perfect love, made you on purpose

. that God loves you exactly as you are

. that you are important; that *you* matter

. that my space will always be a welcoming and inclusive space

As a parent, and a flawed and ordinary person. The most important things I want for my children are for them to be safe and happy. How much more does God want these things for *all* of us, as our parent—our mother and father?

I believe that the change God wants in each of us, is to be more kind, more loving, more understanding. God wants us to understand the importance of truly listening. God is always listening — we need to be better at it.

Signed, Dorothy DeBruijn

of Grosvenor Park United Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

(Shared with permission. Photo credit: Wix stock photo.)

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