I feel I have been accepted by all
I am an open (but aging) GM and I have been active in McKillop United Church, but after 1988 they seemed to recoil or resist any further discussion of sexuality and discrimination.
At McKillop, it feels I have been accepted by all, and in particular by the ministers we have been so fortunate to have with us over the years. Gloria, Terry, Cathy and now Trevor.
But the church leadership, as exposed through Church Council and our Annual Congregational Meetings, has been very positive as well. We have become widely known as a very inclusive and welcoming congregation — and not just for members of the Queer Community.
I am also proud of the pro-active work of McKillop has done/is doing on a host of social issues— Truth & Reconciliation, Syrian Refugees, child poverty, women’s issues, the environment, fair trade and many more.
Today’s workshop—and many public-invited events on today’s issues—is another example of what many of us feel sets McKillop United apart from other groups that pay lip service to the values they say they hold important.
Dave Mabell
McKillop United Church
—An Affirming Congregation
Lethbridge, Alberta
(Shared with permission. Photo: Wix.)