The Can of Worms
I was there in 1988 and my first thought was, “Do we really have to open this can of worms?” I believed that it was not an issue that...

Confusion about how to relate
I was there in 1988 and I remember how fearful people were about the change. People looked to their ministers as role models. How would...

Not welcome in leadership
I was there in 1988 and I remember… …one of the strongest objectors to the issues being raised in the discussions/studies leading up to...

Church on fire: a poem remembering 1988
I was there in 1988 and I remember… the congregational meeting and my shock that my dear congregation could rise up with words of hatred...

The voice of reason and of love
I was there in 1988 and I remember that the “homosesxual issue” divided our church. I was largely ignorant of what the fuss was all...

The UCC & 1988 saved my brother’s life
In 1991, my little brother called me. He was living 800 miles away from me at the time. As we talked, I realized he was “saying good-bye”...

A marked contrast
I was there in 1988 and I remember the extreme attitudes and feeling expressed in some congregations of a reactionary nature to what was...

1988 and trans people today
I was there in 1988 and I remember how joyful I was that the United Church was at last accepting of gay and lesbian people, and...

I am an unbeliever
Canada has had the political will to support, for instance, gay marriage, since 2005, despite the largely small-c conservative voting...

Sharing stories is powerful!
1988 I read your story. What a difficult journey you’ve had. It makes me sad that you suffered so, and makes me wonder, under similar...