1988: A deeper understanding
I was there in 1988 and I remember it as a very challenging and divisive time in our church. The church we were attending at the time had...

At Bible College faith and sexuality were never addressed
I was not a part of the United Church in 1988. In the early 1980’s I had only just become aware of the issue of diverse sexual...

From Rev. Janet Walker
As the church worked on sexuality and faith, I was a Conference Staff person, helping many congregations wo understand and to study the...

My Cousin’s Son Was Rejected
I was here in 1988 and I remember what some of my relatives went through. My cousin and his wife both grew up in the United Church,...

Love Will Shine Through the Blinds
Dear UCC of Tomorrow, Seeing, touching and feeling the reality that nothing has really changed in the “real world” since 1988 is a fact....

I feel sorry that it was on you...
Dear LGBTQ people, I’m so sorry for the way we in the United Church have responded to your community in the past. I also fear the...

Alice, your story was similar to mine
In 1988, I remember the struggle, the anger, indifference of some. I wish for resolution, through ongoing dialogue, education, support...

The Courage to Imagine a New World
I used to think… That everyone was just like me and my family… or should be. That when I was forced to think about LGBTQ people, I was...

It’s not 1988 anymore!
I am glad my local United Church has taken steps to become Affirming. But I was shocked to learn only 6% of United Churches have done so!...

The "Do Not Hire" list. Threats. And other memories of the 1988 period.
Background: This important story outlines the experiences of a minister newly ordained just before the 1988 period. This minister...