Dear Ken, I read your story...
Dear Ken, I read your story — your and John’s story — and I am overwhelmed. It was as if all the “rules of civility,” all the respect and...

Sad for my grandchildren
I am sad that my grandchildren are being raised in a Baptist home. They are taught that homosexuality is a sin, that homosexual person...

From a Gay Anglican
Dear United Church Your Spirit-Guided journey into fuller Affirmation and reconciliation with the LGBTQ+ community is one that gives me...

Work from consensus
Dear United Church, The thing that hurts the most is how we have neglected Christ. We rarely refer to him, in our purported national...

A prayer for Iridesce and the United Church
I am bi — my faith has been strengthened by being in a same sex relationship. I have had to learn to honour love, be outside the norm,...

A response to Anne Squire, from David
Anne Squire, I read your story and I want to tell you how sad I am that anyone who would call themselves Christian or a believer would...

A message from Noreen Ueberer
Dear United Church, The things I want you to apologize for are not having insightful conversations with 1) the people who fill the...

Being in community with people
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people… That we don’t — and won’t — always get it right. We need to make the same kind...