I’m so sorry, from Gary Tompkins
God help us. It’s been hard for me to understand how so many people who call themselves Christians can be so judgmental, unaccepting and...

Erika Offers a Compassionate Presence
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people that I am offering my compassionate presence. Dear Anne, I read your story and I...

Trans Christians, we are praying for you
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian and trans Christian people that you are not alone. I pray that God our Lord is here and knows all of your...

I am profoundly sorry, from Doug
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian and trans Christian people that I am profoundly sorry that I have not heretofore been more proactive in...

Richard was a good friend
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people… Richard was a good friend, kind man and harmless, though he died of AIDS in...

As a queer person, I'm still not sure I'm OK, by Dodie*
I’m still not sure, as a queer person, that I’m OK, by Dodie* I wish I knew how to say that I’m still not sure, as a queer person, that...

I used to think…
I used to think I didn’t know anyone who was gay; I used to think to be gay was to be promiscuous; but now… I see that I did know people...