From Eileen: "A painful time for all but a proud time too"
Living in Ottawa, going to school in Kingston, a mature student commuting. The "Community of Concern" was popular in Ottawa, rallying...
1988: A deeper understanding
I was there in 1988 and I remember it as a very challenging and divisive time in our church. The church we were attending at the time had...
Apology and the Community of Concern
Dear United Church, The thing that hurt the most was the way our minister, in Ottawa, a member of the Community of Concern, manipulated...
A Reflection by Dixon
Anne Squire’s story made me think about how much strength and courage many allies and g/t [gay and trans] people in the church had. I’m...
The Mens Group's Concerns
I was there in 1988 and I remember big discussions in my church—the Men’s Group adamant that admitting gays to be minister was very...