Small “a” affirming?
I used to think that when the United Church accepted gay/lesbian ordained ministers, and our local congregation agreed to/and did perform...

Like many people of my generation
My story is probably a lot like many people of my generation. I am 71. Having been raised to believe that anything other than...

human beings can hurt each other so
Dear g-d, I realize I may be rambling here, but… I wonder where you are when people hate people because they have sex differently or...

God, with perfect love, made you on purpose
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people… . that God, with perfect love, made you on purpose . that God loves you exactly...

I am a person who has chosen to follow God…
…Spirit of Life. I came out at 17 years of age, left the Mennonite Church, eventually found my way after much twisted journeying to the...

Work from consensus
Dear United Church, The thing that hurts the most is how we have neglected Christ. We rarely refer to him, in our purported national...

So, THIS is what gay is!
There was a time, before 1970, when God and I were just buds… I was a teen in 1975-ish, when my mom (the Christian Education Coordinator...

God never meant for his love to be conditional
I wish this issue was a non issue. As a church we are supposed to practice love and acceptance to all human beings, and not doing so goes...

My Wesley Story
Seven years ago I moved to Cambridge, and having been involved with Westminster United in Waterloo, I was looking for a new church home...

A story of two candidates
This contributor remembers a moment in the United Church in 2007. A few years ago, our Presbytery was discussing the prospect of...