Family does not accept, but know the United Church does
Dear United Church, I am pleased that 1988 happened. It led to a lot of controversy. Glad of the apology. Have young people in my church...

Hope for the Future
When you watch your children grow up in the church they should be accepted unconditionally in their adult lives. This is my hope for the...

Sad for my grandchildren
I am sad that my grandchildren are being raised in a Baptist home. They are taught that homosexuality is a sin, that homosexual person...

Not welcome in leadership
I was there in 1988 and I remember… …one of the strongest objectors to the issues being raised in the discussions/studies leading up to...

The UCC & 1988 saved my brother’s life
In 1991, my little brother called me. He was living 800 miles away from me at the time. As we talked, I realized he was “saying good-bye”...

Proud of my son
I wish I knew how to say how proud and inspired I am of my family and close friends, but especially of my son. He is so brave, so...

My Cousin’s Son Was Rejected
I was here in 1988 and I remember what some of my relatives went through. My cousin and his wife both grew up in the United Church,...

I feel sorry that it was on you...
Dear LGBTQ people, I’m so sorry for the way we in the United Church have responded to your community in the past. I also fear the...

I have learned not to discriminate or keep anyone out
I was there in 1988 and I remember being somewhat upset by the decision of the church to accept gay or bisexuals to be ordained. While I...

We must move on and live the apology
I am gay and love my partner who is gay. In 1988 I remember the discussion that took place. At that time I was married with 2 young sons....