From a Gay Anglican
Dear United Church Your Spirit-Guided journey into fuller Affirmation and reconciliation with the LGBTQ+ community is one that gives me...

I wish I could rewind the spool of time
I wish I had known how to support young people who were struggling with rejection, depression and hopelessness because they were not free...

1988 signalled the end of the Metropolitan Community Church I loved
I was there in 1988 when a minister we had sent from the Western Canadian District of Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) reported back...

Our society and culture remain trapped
I wish I knew how to say to people of other faiths, other religions, other cultures, that we’re all equal. Equal in the eyes of God,...

Small “a” affirming?
I used to think that when the United Church accepted gay/lesbian ordained ministers, and our local congregation agreed to/and did perform...

I am gay. Please don’t judge me until you get to know me!
I want to thank the United Church for being there when I was searching for a Church. I know that I am a good person, and for the Catholic...

I have learned not to discriminate or keep anyone out
I was there in 1988 and I remember being somewhat upset by the decision of the church to accept gay or bisexuals to be ordained. While I...

My hope is that an apology will help us to let go of anger and hurt
I am a lesbian and would like to share my story with the United Church. I came out when I was studying for ministry in the late 1990s. I...

Being an outsider makes me seek to include others
For me, it started with AIDS in the early 1980s. Although I had been raised in the United Church, I found my spiritual awakening in a...

human beings can hurt each other so
Dear g-d, I realize I may be rambling here, but… I wonder where you are when people hate people because they have sex differently or...