I remember 1988:
…in coming to Grosvenor Park United Church (GPUC) and the ministry team* here. […] Things were relatively new for me at the time (newly...

God, with perfect love, made you on purpose
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people… . that God, with perfect love, made you on purpose . that God loves you exactly...

Good Times and Bad Times
The following is a contribution by an openly gay person commissioned to Diaconal Ministry in the United Church of Canada. - - - - -...

We must move on and live the apology
I am gay and love my partner who is gay. In 1988 I remember the discussion that took place. At that time I was married with 2 young sons....

About an apology
Dear United Church, I worry that this apology, if it is given, will be motivated by many people who for the most part should be the...

Call to put words into action
Dear United Church, I will accept your apology if you put your words into action by no longer allowing churches a choice of performing...

So, THIS is what gay is!
There was a time, before 1970, when God and I were just buds… I was a teen in 1975-ish, when my mom (the Christian Education Coordinator...

My younger brother is openly gay
My younger brother is openly gay. Several years ago, in 2013, as teens my brother and I were in a foreign country with our mother on...

Parallels between gay and Indigeneous inclusion: how good can come from struggle
Editor's Note: This contribution is in response to "Chris's Story". Dear Chris, I read your story and wanted to tell you that I was so...

An interview with Tony
Tony is an gay activist and long-time active United Church member. Iridesce: Why were you interested to speak with me today? Tony: I...