We should have been friends.
Full disclosure: I am a white-straight-male in my 60's. The most vilified and blamed group for all the problems that have come to be in...

Where were you?
God where were you when we your people, your GLBTQ brothers and sisters were being persecuted because they loved differently? Where were...

This Issue / Dear LGBTQ People / A Lament
I wish this issue I wish this issue would come to a place of love, forgiveness and total healing. I wish that we would all just love one...

You said I would never be alone
How do I heal without my Christian church brothers and sisters? You said I would never be alone. You welcomed me into your church then...

A Lament by Deb
How long God will we keep screwing up We hurt from the friction/the conflict A tug of war: who are we to choose, right or wrong, Life...

"When I Was Born", a prayer poem
When I was born you saw me you held me you loved me As I grew you saw me you held me you loved me Every day you saw me you held me you...

I Lament
I lament 1988 but for the wrong reasons. I lament those Education and Students Committees that squashed like bugs rainbow folk and their...

A minister's Prayer of Lament
O God, where were you when…? We distorted your message of love and mistakenly believed it to be narrow and scarce and meant only for...

How long will we continue to discriminate
How long will we continue to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Why can we not just Love everyone. This should be easy to do. In...