Presbytery asked minister to leave for her own safety
Listening to the conversations and stories today has surfaced memories I’ve not thought about for a long time… at least not in this way....

I am an unbeliever
Canada has had the political will to support, for instance, gay marriage, since 2005, despite the largely small-c conservative voting...

Our society and culture remain trapped
I wish I knew how to say to people of other faiths, other religions, other cultures, that we’re all equal. Equal in the eyes of God,...

My ask for an apology is personal: both Church and State abandoned me
I’ve been a queer activist all my life, starting in 1971 when I was the only woman to sign the ‘We Demand’ document, the first organized...

Context does not justify wrongs
As I read the stories, I learned about a part of church history of which I had very little knowledge. While I was present for the...

A young person writes, “Let us into the story…”
I wasn’t there when it happened I never knew that it was a “thing” No one told me about the “Issue” I just took it as fact I remember...

Like many people of my generation
My story is probably a lot like many people of my generation. I am 71. Having been raised to believe that anything other than...

Call to put words into action
Dear United Church, I will accept your apology if you put your words into action by no longer allowing churches a choice of performing...

My year of pain
Sixteen years after 1988, in 2004, I was two years into my first pastoral charge — settled there by Transfer & Settlement Committee of...

Frustrations in my church
I remember in 2002 my congregation made the decision not to marry same-sex couples when I was a teen. My family left the church for a...