"Keep looking up": A response to Chris, from Diane
Chris your story made me think about how different the church has become. Accepting people for who they really are. Not just judging them...

Trans Christians, we are praying for you
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian and trans Christian people that you are not alone. I pray that God our Lord is here and knows all of your...

I am profoundly sorry, from Doug
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian and trans Christian people that I am profoundly sorry that I have not heretofore been more proactive in...

A Reflection by Dixon
Anne Squire’s story made me think about how much strength and courage many allies and g/t [gay and trans] people in the church had. I’m...

Being in community with people
I’d like to tell gay, lesbian or trans Christian people… That we don’t — and won’t — always get it right. We need to make the same kind...